To register or see full event offer online, please click on image above for the EventBrite attend link.

Attend the event free when you join IPA.

IPA Membership is $100 a year -- Benefits are:
1) 1st Second Friday Event free.
2) Discounts on all events including the August Convention.
3) Travel Club Offers and Discounts. The last trip to Cuba was very much loved.
4) web profile with link to your web site.
5) Share your speaker videos and PDF one-sheets.
6) Guaranteed podium time at IPA's Speaker Showcase -- the IPA Speakers' Ladder -- See more at
7) Member Cards -- personal business cards you can use for networking.
8) Nomination privileges --- Members may nominate friends for courtesy membership.
9) The 1-800-KEYNOTE Toll-Free Speaker Referral System.
10) Direct out reach to leading speaker bureaus.
Members get discounts on having their one sheets printed and mailed to meeting planners and speaker bureaus.
*** February Postal Mailings are being sent to:
a) Top 50 Association CEOs in Alexandria, Virginia
b) Top 50 Corporate Meeting Planners in Washington, D.C.
c) Top 50 Speaker Bureaus and Speaking Agents as nominated by our members.

IPA Second Friday Lunch: Collaboration and Business Etiquette Friday, January 10, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 1:3... by Mitchell Davis

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  • Click on image to attend or call Mitchell P. Davis at (202) 333-5000 if you would like to attend.

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